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International School of The Hague Primary 070-3384567ย inschrijven open


Wijndaelerduin 1
2554BX Den Haag
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The International School of The Hague (ISH), both Primary & Secondary, is part of the Rijnlands Lyceum Foundation (, an educational organisation for secondary and primary education in The Hague and Leiden area. The schools within the foundation offer national and international programmes. The six schools which are part of this organization are overseen by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Rijnlands, Dr Maarten Knoester. As a partially subsidised school, which besides receiving fees from parents, is also supported by the Ministry of Education, ISH operates in accordance with the rules and regulations for Primary & Secondary education in the Netherlands.

Both the Primary and Secondary schools at ISH have their own School Principal who report directly to the CEO. They are supported in the day to day running of the campus by a Business Manager and together they make up the Senior Leadership at ISH.

Each Principal has a leadership team for their school and the administration team for both sections is under the supervision of the Senior Leadership Team of the school.

ISH is very much one school and ensures that there is parity (where possible) with curriculum issues between the schools and that there are ample opportunities for school wide events in which all stakeholders are included.