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Europese School Den Haag - Rijnlands Lyceum Primary 070-7001600ย inschrijven open


Houtrustweg 2
2566HA Den Haag
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The European Schools Network
The European Schools were established in 1957 to educate the children of employees of European Union institutions such as the European Commission, and include the European Patent Office and European Central Bank. Children of these employees are entitled to a place in a European School. The European School The Hague was primarily founded to meet the educational needs of children of employees of Eurojust, Europol, EPO and ESA-ESTECA. Limited places are also available for pupils who qualify for an international education according to the Dutch regulations.

The European School of The Hague is an officially Accredited European School, partly administered and financed by the Dutch national education system, and is accredited by the Board of Governors of the European Schools since December 2012. It is also part of the Foundation Het Rijnlands Lyceum.

The European School The Hague, in common with all European Schools follow the same structure and are subject to Pedagogical Inspections and Audits by European School inspectors mandated by the General Secretary every three years. Programmes and evaluation processes are identical, including the final European Baccalaureate examinations.